Sunday, January 18, 2009

Teeth Whitening (Less than $ 1.00)

As people age, that bright and white youthful smile begins to fade and the yellow begins to show through. The change in teeth color is due to the warring away of enamel and the staining of teeth caused by dark colored foods.

Teeth have an inner dentin which is naturally yellow and pink covered with protective white enamel. As the enamel ages it wares away, its surface cracks and is filled with food debris and acidic fluids like tea, coffee and carbonated beverages. Smoking, chewing tobacco and dark wines also contribute to the staining process.

Keeping teeth clean with frequent brushing and flossing is the best method to help teeth maintain their natural whiteness. Dental hygiene and periodic dental checkups are the best medicine. However, some cosmetic assistance can also brighten that smile. This can be accomplished with tooth pastes, creams and take home kits from the drug store or treatments done at the dentist’s office.

The following is a list of approximate costs - tooth paste ($3), take home kits ($30 +) and in office treatments ($300 +). You can see a full description of these different methods at the following online links …

After doing some research on this subject, I found that the active ingredient for all these treatments was hydrogen peroxide with the concentration higher in the dentist’s office than at home. If you have dentures, a lot of fillings or severe gum problems, it is best to have whitening treatments done in the dentist’s office.

Since I wanted to see if this method would work with me, I purchased a small 1 pt. bottle of hydrogen peroxide (3% Solution) at the super market for ($ 0.89). This product is used as a topical solution for a first aid antiseptic and oral debriding agent. Read the directions carefully before using.

After brushing and flossing, I swished the hydrogen peroxide around in my mouth for a minute and then spit it out. This is not to be swallowed. I later rinsed with antiseptic mouthwash to get rid of the taste. After just a few days I noticed my teeth getting whiter.
Although I don’t expect that movie star or million dollar smile, at least I have got rid of some yellow stains.

Remember, read the label before you try this and consult your dentist if you are not sure.

1 comment:

eastvalleydental said...

Thanks for this brilliant post. These information is very helpful. Keep sharing!