Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Garden Update 7-7-10

I got my first zucchini of the summer this week. Although I have been watching the garden grow and weeding each week, the fruits and flowers and vegetables seem to pop up and grow overnight. You can see some photos of the garden at the link below ……

Everything seemed to be growing well with very little watering during May and June. The natural rain water has kept all the plants healthy. However, I did water some by hand with a watering can from the rain barrel, mostly on the days that I planted new plants. To keep the water around the plant, I dug a circular trench around each plant with my fingers. This keeps the water near the plant roots and prevents it from running out.

However, the hot and dry spell we have had this week has really sucked the water out of the soil and consequently caused the plants to droop. Since rain is not predicted until the end of the week, I did have to give the garden a good soaking with water from the house garden hose. Since Wilmington, MA, where I live, still has some water restrictions, you can only water with a hand held hose after 5PM and before 9AM. I even saw flashing signs up in North Reading, indicating a water emergency. All the water we got this spring from the torrential rain has entered the water table, then streams, rivers and out to the ocean and back into the water cycle. Unfortunately, we will have to wait again for mother-nature to pour some back on the land.

You can see from the photos, which I have a good size pumpkin and zucchini patch going. I put these plants in an area where I have composted for a few years. The soil is now nice and rich and full of nutrients. Another reason I plant the zucchini here is to keep the “American Bamboo Plants” from growing. They are very invasive and aggressive weed-trees that take over a garden area if left unchecked. I have tried weed killer and even dug up the roots, but they continue to spread. They grow like wild fire by root propagation so leaving just a small piece of root in the soil is enough for a new plant to pop up. I weed them out each night and the next day they are back. My only salvation is when the zucchini patch spreads out and takes over.

Hopefully, the summer will not be so hot and dry and we will get some rain, at least once per week. As the season progresses, I’ll let you know what’s available. If you are in the area, drop by, I love sharing my harvest or just a cup of coffee or (ice tea).

See you around the pumpkin patch.

Comments always welcome ….

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