Recently, I attended a Pancake Breakfast held at the town common in Whitefield, NH which is only a short distance from Littleton, NH. Besides having a great breakfast of pancakes and sausage for only $5.00, we got to talk with other travelers sitting across the table. Some were local people and others were vacationing from near and far. In addition, there were crafter tents set up all around the town common where you can see the works of local craftsmen and women selling there wares. There were wood carvings, nature photographs, knitted garments, handmade walking sticks and furniture, jewelry, and handmade baskets.
As we strolled around to the different craft tents we stopped to talk with the crafters and purchased a few interesting items. However, one table advertised a local Habitat for Humanity Project and they were looking for donations as well as volunteers. After taking a Habitat flier, I left my name and email.
A few days later, I got an email from Habitat and volunteered to help out at a local work project in Whitefield, NH. They needed volunteers a few days per week. Since I was camping close by, I decided to volunteer once a week, if I was available. Last Friday I put in my first volunteer day and came back to camp sweaty and sore from all the hard work. Besides myself, there were about 12 other volunteers who also donated their time.
The volunteer work involved clearing a building lot for a small three bedroom home that was already awarded to a local young family who met all the income requirements. The prospective owner also had to volunteer 300 hours of sweat equity to the project. The work entailed cutting down trees, dragging brush and throwing branches into a wood chipper. Other jobs required digging holes, raking and leveling sand for a foundation, putting up a project sign and a million other odds and ends.
The non-skilled volunteers generally only worked on Thursday and Saturday for 4 hours while the professional contractors, like heavy equipment operators, plumbers and electricians showed up on the other days when they were available. Most of them also volunteered their services. Water and snacks were provided as well as most hand tools. You could also bring your own tools if you had them.
Since I was early and one of the first to arrive, I ended up digging a four foot hole along the foundation wall. Although most of the digging was in foundation river sand, we eventually hit roots and rocks and regular dirt that was hard going. The hole was for the water and electrical PVC pipes that had to go under the foundation wall and below the frost line. After digging the hole, we placed in the pipes and marked them with red tape and then buried the hole again with the pipes sticking out of the ground. Later, the professional contractors would make the completed connections. You can see photos of the work day at the link ……..
You can also see other photos for the project in Whitefield, NH at the link below ……
Whitefield, NH - Habitat Project
You can find links to other projects in Greater Boston at the link below ………..
List of Habitat Projects in Greater Boston with Links
General information and owner requirements can be also be found at the link below ….
Habitat for Humanity – Greater Boston Home Page and Info
After I volunteer a few more times, I’ll let you know how the project is progressing. Remember, volunteering is a labor of love and giving. It’s good for the soul and its great exercise too.
Comments always welcome. Email ……